S No. | Year | No. of Village | Name of Village | Name of Scientist | Broad Area of Activities |
I. Greater Mumbai- Manori, Gorai, Malwani Malad, V
1. Dr.(Mrs.)Latha Shenoy 2. Dr.Ashok Kumar Jaiswar
i. Enlisting the emergent needs/problems/issues faced by the fishers/farmers of the villages
ii. Developing Soil (and Water ) health card
iii. Demonstration of value added fish products to fisherwomen
iv. Awareness field camp on shrimp and prawn c
i. Greater Mumbai- Manori, Gorai, Malwani Malad, V
1. Dr.(Mrs.)Latha Shenoy 2. Dr.Ashok Kumar Jaiswar
i. Demonstration of value added fish products to fisherwomen
ii. Awareness field camp on shrimp and prawn cultivation in saline affected soils
iii. Training on Quality fish seed production
iv. Training on Fish seed transportation and
v. Training
i. Greater Mumbai- Manori, Gorai, Malwani Malad, V
1. Dr.(Mrs.)Latha Shenoy 2. Dr.Ashok Kumar Jaiswar
i. Demonstration of value added fish products to fisherwomen
ii. Awareness field camp on shrimp and prawn cultivation in saline affected soils
iii. Training on Quality fish seed production
iv. Training on Fish seed transportation and
v. Training